Tuesday, October 27, 2020

tp-link archer t3u on ubuntu

Recently got tp-link T3u mini wifi adapter  but as usual ubuntu did not have its drivers. So executed following commands and it worked perfectly. 

cd /opt 
git clone https://github.com/cilynx/rtl88x2bu.git 
cd rtl88x2bu
VER=$(sed -n 's/\PACKAGE_VERSION="\(.*\)"/\1/p' dkms.conf)
sudo rsync -rvhP ./ /usr/src/rtl88x2bu-${VER}
sudo dkms add -m rtl88x2bu -v ${VER}
sudo dkms build -m rtl88x2bu -v ${VER}
sudo dkms install -m rtl88x2bu -v ${VER}
sudo modprobe 88x2bu

Monday, October 26, 2020

sudo access to ldap user

 Typically, if you dont have sudo and "gain" sudo access, you cant just add yourself to sudo group. In that scenario, we need to reboot in "advanced mode" and gain access to root shell. Once in, you can have following : 

$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/hpatil 

hpatil ALL=(ALL) ALL

and then we will have sudo access.