Friday, May 22, 2015

Creating python executables

I needed to create python executable so that people wont have to rely on my python version.
So these are the steps:
# Install "cx_Freeze"
# Create
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
build_exe_options = {
"includes": ['numpy', 'pandas','matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg'],
"packages": [],
"excludes": ['tk','ttk','zmq','boto','tkinter','_gtkagg', '_tkagg', 'bsddb', 'curses', 'pywin.debugger','pywin.debugger.dbgcon', 'pywin.dialogs', 'tcl', 'Tkconstants', 'Tkinter'],
"include_files": []}

    name = "appName",
    version = "0.1",
    description = "",
    author = "Dengar",
    options = {"build_exe": build_exe_options},
    executables = [Executable("")]
#python build

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Alt+Tab not working in remote desktop of citrix receiver on Linux mint 17

I use citrix to connect to office computer. But Alt+Tab wasn't seem to be working when I used remote desktop. I found few solution about HKEY edit solution for windows, but none for linux mint. I did some trial and error and finally found a solution myself.

I found this file in installation directory of ICAClient:

[17:43:43 harsshal@lenovo:~]$ ll /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/config/All_Regions.ini

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Nov 8 2013 /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/config/All_Regions.ini -> /etc/icaclient/config/All_Regions.ini
Went to link and started edited this file

[17:44:08 harsshal@lenovo:~]$ sudo vim /etc/icaclient/config/All_Regions.ini

Search for "TransparentKeyPassthrough" in "Virtual Channels" section and add "Remote" in front of it.

[Virtual Channels\Keyboard]

Save and restart Remote Desktop Connection