This is how we use a command line / bash variable (named num) in a awk command. We define an awk variable 'var' with -v option. This also shows use of BEGIN block.
awk -F, -v var=$num 'BEGIN{srand(var)} {print $1","$2","rand()}' file_name
A few Day-to-Day life tricks of Linux.
This is how we use a command line / bash variable (named num) in a awk command. We define an awk variable 'var' with -v option. This also shows use of BEGIN block.
awk -F, -v var=$num 'BEGIN{srand(var)} {print $1","$2","rand()}' file_name
We can directly change the contents of the file but they dont seem to be in effect. So I added Google's nameserver in the file as follows :
$ sudo cat /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
And then updated the file as follows :
$ sudo resolvconf -u
we can also just update /etc/resolve.conf and it will be in effect immediately.
$ sudo sed -i '1 i\nameserver\nnameserver' /etc/resolv.conf
To remove the changes :
$ sudo sed -i '1,2d' /etc/resolv.conf